Welcome to Friends of Bristol Eye Hospital

Treatment for all patients has been greatly enhanced by our supporters.

For every £1 raised, we spend 95p supporting the hospital, 2p running the charity and 3p on publicity or raising funds.

Become a Friend

Join us for just £5 a year or support us in other ways.

Make a donation

You can donate in many ways, including cash, cheques, BACS, debit or credit card.

Read our newsletters

Please have a look at recent editions of our In Sight newsletter.

grants made
To contact us, we recommend that you telephone or email (details in Contact).  We all work from home and post sent via the hospital can be delayed.  If you need to post anything, please call or email and we will give you a home address. Thank you.

Generous donations

We have received generous donations over the last year from:
TK Maxx and Homesense Foundation, which allows employees to nominate a charity they feel passionate about.
Rotary Club of Wrington Vale, with thanks to Ivor Metherell for nominating us and adding a personal donation.
Rotary Club of Yatton Trust Fund
Hoddell Charitable Trust
Star Legal Solicitors

– and the following, who all wrote appreciative comments about the care and treatment they had received in the hospital: Susan Adams, Yvonne Bell, Esther Campbell, Andrew Denn, Alison Finch, John Godfrey, William Henderson, Rachel Hutchinson, Andrew Kerley, Laura Lafave, Anne Russell, Jonathan Seagrave and Patricia Thompson.

You can read some of their comments here.

27 February 2025, updated 7 March

Quiz Night!

We’ve arranged a fun quiz night to raise funds to support the hospital. It’s at 6.30 for 7pm, Thursday 3 April 2025, at the Frenchay Cricket Club, Common Mead Lane, Hambrook, BS16 1QQ. Included in the ticket price is a buffet – and there’s a cash bar.

You can make up your own team of up to five (or as many teams as you like!) or simply come along on your own or with friends and join another team.

Parking is free – and we’ll send directions to the Cricket Club when you book your ticket.

Tickets are £12.50 – and are available by calling 0300 102 4556 – or emailing us at events@fbeh.org.

We look forward to seeing you there, and having a fun night!

12 February 2025
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Funding for a physician associate

To enable BEH to take part in a 1-year pilot scheme conducted by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, the Friends have funded the fixed-term salary of a physician associate.

Physician associates are healthcare professionals who work alongside doctors. The Royal College of Ophthalmologists’ aim was to develop a programme for training physician associates in Hospital Eye Services, in order to meet the increasing demand for ophthalmology services.

After training, the physician associate at BEH was able to undertake tasks which improved efficiency and reduced waiting times. This pilot helped to assess how a PA could support a multi-disciplinary team working in ophthalmology services, thus contributing to the delivery of ophthalmic care.

It gave BEH the welcome benefit of an extra pair of hands for twelve months, especially helping to manage the flow of patients through the eye examination hub, with patients’ eye examinations being recorded by non-medical staff so that the data can be assessed by doctors remotely.

15 January 2025

Video for cataract pathways

The clinical team at Bristol Eye Hospital asked whether the Friends might fund a video that would better inform patients of what to expect when they’re referred for cataract surgery. This would improve the quality of consultations – and potentially reduce the time staff spend explaining the processes in clinic. It would also “showcase the hospital’s brilliant cataract service”.

We were happy to help. The video has now been produced by the NHS Medical Illustrations Team and is narrated by BEH consultant ophthalmologist Omar Elhaddad. You can view it here.

This grant cost £3,000.

2 January 2025

Hospital Staff Ball

Friends of Bristol Eye Hospital and corporate sponsors Haag Streit and Veni Vidi subsidised the costs of the eye hospital’s Autumn Ball. We were especially keen to ensure the cost of attending was affordable for all staff.

Ophthalmologist Panos Maghsoudlou, who co-organised the event, has written: “The evening was well attended, hugely popular, and filled with great energy and enthusiasm. Guests enjoyed fine food and wine, and the dance floor was buzzing all night! It was truly a memorable occasion, bringing people together in celebration and support of our shared cause.”

He added, “We are incredibly grateful for your continued commitment and generosity, which makes such a meaningful difference to our work.”

20 December 2024

Ocular Response Analyzers

Bristol Eye Hospital currently uses iCare tonometers to measure patients’ intraocular pressures. The check is required because an elevated pressure could be a symptom of certain eye conditions, notably glaucoma. The Friends have frequently purchased tonometers for the hospital.

There is now an alternative device that provides clinicians with more insightful information and which may be less expensive in the long term: the Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA).

Following positive initial trials, the hospital asked the Friends to purchase two ORAs to further test the concept. If these tests confirm the anticipated advantages, we may well be asked to provide more.

This grant cost £27,000.

20 December 2024

Heather Walker

One of our longest-standing trustees, Heather Walker, has retired after 45 years’ dedicated service. She became a trustee only two years after the Friends started.

Heather was Membership Secretary in the early years and continued to help with secretarial work whenever needed but her major contribution throughout her 45 years has been her key role in organising the many events held to raise much-needed funds for the hospital.

Former secretary and chair Dinah Harrison paid tribute to Heather for the enormous amount of work she has carried out over such a long time, saying “Whether it was a garden party, jazz supper, antiques road show, race night or boat trip, Heather was at the centre of it. Her wide social connections, planning, communication, persuasive charm and hard work on the day made our events so successful.”

We wish Heather all the best in her well-deserved retirement.

13 December 2024

Kat runs for the Friends

Kat Jedrysiak raised £249 by organising a 10k run along the River Avon on Sunday 13 October. Five hospital staff (Vanessa, Lauren and Kat from Theatre Department, Carmen from an office and Debbie from an outpatient department) took part.

Kat was very happy with how the event went and said she was “proud of all of us.”

“There is such a nice feeling after raising money for a good cause. Furthermore we had an amazing time, getting to know each other better as we are from different departments and finishing with a coffee at the Ashton Court café.”

She hopes to run more events in future in support of Friends of Bristol Eye Hospital.

13 December 2024, updated 7 March 2025

Helping children with special needs

Children with special needs are 28 times more likely to have serious eyesight problems than other children.

Regular eye checks are vital, but it’s proven much better if hospital staff can visit these children in the familiar environment of their own schools. We have funded a film to explain to parents and teachers how the tests are done. You can see the video.

The tests include games and toys to distract and relax children, enabling staff to complete the examinations and prescribe appropriate glasses so children can see better, which helps their development, education and behaviour.

Some children may still need to visit the hospital for more complex tests. A special area is set aside for children, with colourful pictures on the walls and an aquarium, which we purchased in 2011 and have maintained ever since.

2 December 2024

Thomson test charts for the WGH ophthalmology service

The ophthalmology service at Weston General Hospital (WGH) includes paediatric ophthalmology clinics. Expanding the service in Weston means families don’t have to travel up to Bristol for their care and allows precious resources to be used at the BEH for Bristol-area patients.

The WGH service wanted to install additional digital vision testing charts in the Seashore (paediatric) outpatient department, which would ensure that all clinical rooms can be utilised for ophthalmology clinics. The Friends have purchased three Thomson charts, complete with mini PCs and 24″ clinical quality LCD monitors including infrared control and wall mounting brackets.

This grant cost £4,785.

2 October 2024

From our archives

A young patient admires the inmates of the aquarium purchased by the Friends in 2011 in the then-new children’s unit in the Outpatient Department on Level 1.  The aquarium has been maintained by the Friends ever since and remains very popular with children.