You can make a donation online from your bank account directly to our account using the button or QR code below.

Making a donation is quick, easy and secure.  There are no charges whatsoever – we receive the full amount of your donation and you will not be ‘invited’ to pay a tip or make a contribution to expenses.

You will have the option to include a Gift Aid declaration.

To donate click here:

Donate by Open Banking

or scan this QR code:

and open the link.

Click the image above to visit the Open Banking website

A note on Open Banking

Wonderful Payments transfer donations directly from a donor’s bank account to our bank account using ‘Open Banking’ – without using debit or credit cards or PayPal.

Payments are instant.

No charges are payable either by you the donor or us the charity.

Individual transactions are completely secure; every provider behind an Open Banking service is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or a European equivalent.

You can find out more about Open Banking by visiting