We understand that providing for your family and friends after your death comes first. However, once you have done that, you could help us to continue our work to benefit future patients of the Bristol Eye Hospital.

More than half of our income comes from legacies.  Our larger purchases would not have been possible without the generosity of those who have left money to the Friends in their Wills – usually in appreciation of the care they received at the Eye Hospital and because they wished to help others.

Leaving a gift to the Friends, no matter how large or small, helps us to continue to support the Eye Hospital for future generations.

In the following leaflet, you can read more about how legacies make such a difference to the work we can do to help the hospital.  Paper copies of this leaflet are also available in the hospital.

Friends’ Legacy Leaflet

If you are considering leaving us a gift in your Will, you may well wish to discuss the matter with a solicitor. The following document contains some suggested wording that may be helpful.

Suggested wording to include in a Will

It is important to ensure that our correct Charity Name, Registered Address and Registered Charity Number are included in your Will. These are:

Friends of Bristol Eye Hospital
Lower Maudlin Street, Bristol, BS1 2LX
Registered Charity Number 274349

If you would like any assistance with leaving a legacy to the Friends, please contact the Treasurer by phone or email.